As with all of our guests, it was awesome talking with Sierra Alston. We recently caught up with the reality star, and she was pretty open with talking about her experiences as a cast member of VH1’s She's Got Game, but she also opened up about the many other things she has going on.


Seeing everything that she’s been working on validates the fact that she’s not just the eye candy you tend to see gracing many of these reality shows. As she says in our conversation, there’s definitely much more than meets the eye. In a nutshell, Sierra showed us exactly why career will go long after this reality show, and how; as she says, reality truly doesn’t define her. There’s an entire brand behind her name that the world is becoming accustomed to, and it’s definitely something good to see.


Obviously, the show is about a group of young women who are all vying for an opportunity to be the woman of The Game’s life. It all sounds no different than what you may have seen on previous reality shows of the same nature; yet, Alston takes it up a notch by showing that while she may be here for that purpose, there’s a much greater purpose outside of that.


This feature presents an opportunity for you to get to know what Sierra Alston is all about. Looking at it all, it’s clear that she really do got game!




Urban Grandstand Digital: I’m tremendously grateful for you Ms. Alston. Thank you so much for your time today. 


Sierra Alston: Thank you for having me. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: Starting out, for those who don’t know, talk about how you got down with the television show, She's Got Game…


Sierra Alston: Basically, with The Game, his past relationships have obviously failed. He was in a monogamous relationship with an older woman, and I guess he wanted to find something new. He had ten of his celebrity friends find him a girl. They know him better than anyone else. They all had to pick a different kind of girl. Keyshia Cole is a very good friend of mine, and she suggested that I go on the show. In my past relationship, it was a lot different than my experience now. She suggested I go on the show to see if we have a connection.


Urban Grandstand Digital: I think that’s cool. She’s [Keyshia Cole] good people too, so I know she wouldn’t send you, or anyone for that matter, out to do this if either party was crazy. 

Sierra Alston: Right. I definitely trust her judgment. He seems like a good person, and I felt we could have a lot to talk about. 

Urban Grandstand Digital: In your mind, what makes you the right one for him? I ask that because I’m looking at the full picture. Him doing shows and traveling is one thing, but when you look at the full scale, he has children, and he’s a great father and is involved. For that person who wins, the children come into play. 

Sierra Alston: Basically, I do want children eventually. If I don’t have them, then obviously the job is done. Not to say that I would be the step-mom, but I also have a nephew. I already know what it feels like to have children around because of that. He [The Game] has a daughter and I love girls. I would be like a glam mom (laughing). I fit into his lifestyle because we’re both geared towards the business. I’m geared towards acting, and he’s been in movies before. I’m geared towards anything, and not to say anything because it can be broad, but anything tasteful. I felt we had the same lifestyle with traveling, being on the road, and experiencing new things. I felt he would compliment me. I’m smart, and so is he. I would be strong where he is weak. I say this very humbly: his ex was very classy and she is beautiful. He felt like we had a lot of similarities. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: I like the fact that you have a business sense, and there’s a lot that you want out of life. You have a lot going on, and people are really beginning to see it. 


Sierra Alston: Absolutely. I have other things outside of the show. It’s not my end all-be all. The show has been a good experience for me. It was less a competition and more an experience for me. Everything I had going on before the show has now been intensified. I have a lot going on outside of the show. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: If you end up being the one, how do you see yourself taking him to that next level relationship-wise?


Sierra Alston: I would say this: A man will be who he is. If he has not been monogamous before, I don’t believe they necessarily change. Coming into this, I knew there was a possibility that he may cheat, I guess you could say. I won’t say that I can change him. I can help him mature, and hopefully, he’ll see that I’m a diamond. If he wants a crack rock, he can get high off that. I’ll be there until I see a different side. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, and if he happens to do that, then I’ll be gone. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: I like the saying that you just quoted about the crack rock. It’s ironic you say it because I just saw it on your instagram page this morning. 


Sierra Alston: I live by everything I say. I’m like an emotional writer, moreso now. If I was interested in a guy, and felt like he did not notice my value or work, and he would rather be with a younger girl, that’s on him. I always see myself as a diamond. I do so much to improve and make myself better. At the end of the day, I know that I’m the prize and the trophy. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: …And I say again, people are realizing the things that you’re doing out there. I like the fact that you’re not out to change anyone. People only change when they want to change for themselves. It shows that you’re going into it for the right reasons. 


Sierra Alston: He made it clear that he is a rapper, and you have to handle his lifestyle. When you think of a rapper, you’re not thinking of Obama, or Denzel Washington. You think of someone saying that there’s a possibility on the road, it may be a dark and gleamy night, and I may have a couple Hennessy and cokes, and I don’t know. You have to roll with it. He’s basically telling you that, but I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully, if a person sees the true value in a woman, they’ll understand that maybe I shouldn’t continue to be this way, and if I want to keep her, I’ll tone it down a little bit. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: I think you’ve gone into it looking at it the right way. He indeed is a rapper, but he’s at the top of the chain as well. 


Sierra Alston: He’s also a sex symbol, and very big with social media. That’s how he’s gaining a lot of the notoriety, and women are drooling over him. I guess you will have to deal with that. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: Talk about your other ventures going on, including your writing. 


Sierra Alston: Let me say this. I think they blew that up to be more than it was. Before the show, I was working for a software development company, and I did all of their copy-writing work. I did the blog work for the clients. That was something I was experimenting with because I was good at English. I said now, I want to be an emotional writer. Something like Marilyn Monroe, where when you hear about her, you think of a quote. When you see a shirt or a coffee mug, it has her quote on it. That’s how I’m branding myself as a writer. When you think of me, you think of something I said to motivate you when it comes to my writing. Lord knows what the future holds. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: Where do you see things being in the future? What is the big picture?


Sierra Alston: Basically, I don’t want to be your average reality star. I don’t want to just be eye candy. There’s more than meets the eye. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: Oh, it’s clear that you’re more than that already. You’re not just eye candy!


Sierra Alston: Absolutely not. I’m a workout director. I have an eye candy workout class that I take from state to state. I want people to experience the eye candy workout. It’s a vixen workout class, like when you think of Ciara or Beyonce. it shows women how to please their man. if you don’t want to please your man, you can look in the mirror and do these moves to please yourself. It shows women how to keep theirconfidence up and at the same time lose weight. That’s just one thing I do. I’m starting my own lingerie line, and my own Sierra Alston collection, which is a regular clothing line. Those are the things I’m doing right now, but long term I want to start different organizations for helping young girls, offering etiquette classes and tea parties to help them do whatever it is they want to do in life. Whatever it is, I want to be able to help direct and gear them toward it. Acting is the bigger thing. I’ve been in Hollywood back and forth, and I’ve been seeing different producers and directors. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: I can appreciate hearing the many things you have going on. That’s one of the many things we like to push. We like seeing the positivity and the things people have going on. I think what we like is to push the idea that when you want to do something in life, it can be done. You’re young, and doing it. You’re so far from the typical reality star. 


Sierra Alston: Absolutely. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: That’s definitely something major to be proud of. 


Sierra Alston: That’s true, and I don’t meant to sound presumptuous. I don’t want anyone to feel like a reality show defines me. It’s just one thing that i did at one moment in time. There’s many other things to come after. It’s inevitable that when you think of me right now, you think of She's Got Game, but hopefully down the line, you see the other things. 


Urban Grandstand Digital: Are there any type of final comments that you aim to get out with your press right now?


Sierra Alston: Yes, follow me on Instagram. You can see everything displayed, and keep up with me. You can understand my testimony. Sometimes, people don’t understand your celebration unless they know your obstacles. I want everyone to grow with me.


Editor's Note: As many of you saw first hand on She Got Game, Sierra eliminated herself from the competition of the show. She the clip below for yourself. 


Jayceon "The Game" Taylor is glad Sierra Alston realized sooner rather than later that she can't handle his lifestyle. Sierra says "this whole thing is beneath herself." Subscribe to VH1: Shows + Pop Culture + Music + Celebrity. VH1: We complete you.